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* GistBirD Which Exercise Is Best for Your Weight Loss?

When it comes to dieting, the goal is to burn calories and different exercises do that at different rates.

You never know the calories that each exercise can burn up…even sex! Here are some examples of the energy expended by a 95kg person in 30 minutes of continuous exercise:

Aerobics 200-250 calories
Bicycling, Stationary 250-300 calories
Bicycling, Actual 300-400 calories
Running, 5-6 mp 300-350 calories
Stair climber 200-250 calories
Walking briskly 150-180 calories
Sex* 50-100 calories
2014-09-29 14:03 · Reply · (0)
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2017-01-08 07:11 · Reply · (0)
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Distribution and promotion of goods and services on the Internet, social pages, groups, posts.
You see an ad. The same ad with your text may see many. The same post with your advertising,
products or services can be placed on a set of resources, websites, social pages, communities, social networks.
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We do worldwide distribution of your information. European countries, USA, Canada, Russia and so on. Your ad will be everywhere.
We do e-mail notifications about the letter read. Detailed reports on the work performed.
Our contacts nnp0919@gmail.com
We will be happy to assist you
2017-01-08 07:12 · Reply · (0)
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2017-01-10 01:06 · Reply · (0)
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2017-01-10 08:06 · Reply · (0)
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