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Twelve Kidney Disease Symptoms That One Must Be Aware Of

A lot of people are unaware that kidney diseases can be a silent killer because they may not show any type of symptoms for a long period, until, the situation becomes very serious. It is crucial to recognize the symptoms of kidney diseases early. This is a list of the twelve symptoms you should look out for:

1. Changes in the urinary function

The first symptom of kidney disease is changes in the frequency and amount of your urination. There may be an increase or decrease in the amount and/or its frequency, especially in the night time. Also, it may appear a little darker and you may feel the urge to urinate, but once you are in the toilet you cannot.

2. Difficulty or pain when voiding:

 You can feel a difficulty or feel pressure or pain while voiding. Urinary tract infections may cause burning sensation or pain during urination. If these infections affect the kidneys they may provoke fever and pain in the back.

3. Blood in the urine:

 This is a symptom of kidney disease which is a cause for concern. However, it may occur due to other reasons, but it is for the best to consult your doctor if you notice it.

4. Swelling

Kidneys release the wastes and all additional fluid from the organism and when they are unable to do that process normally, this fluid will cause swelling in your hands, ankles, feet and/or your body.

5. Serious fatigue and weakness

The kidneys produce a hormone named erythropoietin that helps in the production of red blood cells that carry the oxygen. Decreased levels of erythropoietin are the reason for decreased red blood cells that results in anemia. Due to the lowered oxygen being delivered to the cells, weakness and fatigue are present.

6. Dizziness and inability to concentrate

Anemia that is closely related to kidney diseases deprives your brain of oxygen that results in dizziness, concentration problems, etc.

7. Feel cold all the time

If one suffers from kidney disease, he/she may feel cold even if he/she is in a warm place because of anemia. Pyelonephritis (kidney infection) may be the cause for fever with chills.

8. Itching and skin rashes

Kidney failure is the reason for build- up of waste in your bloodstream which can cause serious itching of the skin or skin rashes.

9. Ammonia breath and metallic taste

Kidney failure increases the level of urea in the blood (uraemia), and this urea is broken down to ammonia in the saliva which causes bad breath that is very similar to urine smell and that is why it is called ammonia breath. Also, kidney failure causes an unpleasant metallic taste (dysgeusia) in the mouth.

10. Nausea and vomiting

Kidney disease leads to build-up of waste in the bloodstream and it results in nausea and vomiting.

11. Lack of breath

Kidney disease leads to build-up of fluid in the lungs. Also, anemia, a common side-effect of kidney failure, deprives your organism from oxygen and one may have problems when trying to catch a breath.

12. Pain in the sides or in the back

Some types of kidney disease may cause severe cramping pain that goes from the lower back into the groin if there is a kidney stone in the ureter. The pain may be a result of polycystic kidney disease- an inherited kidney disorder that creates a lot of cysts filled with fluid in the kidneys. Interstitial cystitis, which is a chronic inflammation of the bladder wall, may be the main reason for chronic pain and discomfort.

To conclude, it is highly important to detect kidney disease in the early stage because, in most of the cases, the damage of the kidneys cannot be undone. If you want to lower the possibilities of getting serious kidney problems, consult your doctor when you detect one or more of the aforementioned symptoms because if they are caught early, kidney diseases can be treated.

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