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Tags: Health

12 Interesting & Funny Facts About The Human Body

Here are some incredible facts about the human body.

1. Our heart beats around 100,000 times every day.

2. The skin sheds up to 30,000 dead cells every minute. Almost 50% of your house dust is probably dead skin.

3. Similar to fingerprints, everyone also has a unique tongue print!

4. An adult has fewer bones than a baby. We start off life with 350 bones, but because bones fuse together during growth, we end up with only 206 as adults.

5. An individual gets a new stomach lining every three to four days. If you didn't, the strong acids your stomach uses to digest food would also digest your stomach.

6. Your nose is not as sensitive as a dog's, but it can remember 50,000 different scents.

7. Every square inc­h of skin on the human body has about 32 million bacteria on it, but fortunately, the vast majority of them are harmless

8. The small intestine is about four times as long as the average adult’s height. If it weren't looped back and forth upon itself, its length of 18 to 23 feet wouldn't fit into the abdominal cavity.

9. In a lifetime, the average person produces about 25,000 quarts of saliva -- enough to fill two swimming pools.

10. Th­e source of smelly feet, like smelly armpits, is ­sweat. And people sweat buckets from their feet.

11. The air from a human sneeze can travel at speeds of 100 miles per hour or more -- another good reason to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze.

12. You can survive up to 40 days without food; 4 days without water; 4 minutes without air; but only 4 seconds without hope!

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