Pen. Paper. Now, you’re all set to note down. Here’s not only some best and simple but also beneficial home remedies for diabetes.
Diabetes, today, has become a very common health problem popular not only among the old but the young as well. Diabetes is mainly caused either due to the lack of insulin or in some cases absolutely no insulin. There is no clear cut cure for diabetes. If one happens to be suffering from diabetes all they got to do is keep their blood glucose levels maintained. Once you learn how to achieve mastery at keeping your blood sugar levels under control you not only will be able to lead a much similar but also a much normal life.
Ayurveda is known for its range of home remedies that can come to your aid in helping you to keep your blood sugar levels under control.
Here’s sharing some of Ayurveda’s secrets with you -
1. Jambul –
Almost every part of this plant proves to be beneficial. Be it the leaves, the berries or the seeds, they are all known for their medicinal value. These parts help one to maintain their blood glucose levels. These plants can become very good friends to all the patients suffering from diabetes. It will however be quite saddening to know that these friends are available only in certain seasons. Jambuls can become part of one’s routine diet. Incorporating this helps in the effective and proper functioning of the pancreas.
Powder obtained from the seeds of this plant if taken with water every 2 days can also help to work out wonders.
2. Bitter Gourd –
The bitterness of this vegetable may force you to act as a scavenger picking out only the onions and potatoes in the dish prepared by your mother. However, your mother very well knows the benefits of this vegetable and this vegetable also forms a part of most of Ayurvedic home remedies. This vegetable is highly recommended for the one’s suffering from diabetes. On an empty stomach the juice of this vegetable can be taken the first thing in the morning. If this routine is followed religiously for a few months, one will be able to maintain their sugar levels.
3. Fenugreek
Also known as Methi, this herb helps in controlling diabetes. To avail to the benefits of this herb, all you got to do is follow these simple methods. The seeds can be soaked in water overnight and then can be consumed first thin in the morning on an empty stomach. Consuming milk mixed with the powder of these seeds also helps you keep away from this disease. Again, incorporating this into your daily routine can prove to be quite beneficial.
These simple steps can be followed for better results –
Only 80-90 grams of these seeds should be taken. One should keep in mind that not more than 100 grams should be taken as it can cause an upset stomach. One can also feel nauseated. This thus subtly reminds us that everything consumed in limits can be beneficial, however too much of something can be harmful.
Fenugreek shouldn’t be consumed along with other medicines. One ought to wait at least for an hour or two before consuming fenugreek.
To name few: diarrhea and gas are some common side effects of the over consumption of fenugreek.
One should be cautious while consuming fenugreek – if any side effects are observed during the course of consumption; this practice should be stopped right away. Symptoms like difficulty in breathing, heaviness in chest, swollen and itchy skin are some signs to watch out for. It is better to consult your physician if you are under any kind of medication or are pregnant.
4. Guava –
Source of Vitamin C and high fibre, this fruit finds every reason to become dear to people suffering from diabetes. The desired amount of glucose levels can be maintained by having a guava almost every day. The skin however has to be peeled off before consumption. We do not recommend excess intake of this fruit. One guava one day should be your motto.
5. Mango leaves –
This is the season of mangoes. This is the time you can benefit the most from this home remedial measure. The delicate and tender leaves need to be selected for this purpose. After which they can be soaked overnight and then consumed on an empty stomach early in the morning. This will definitely help you keep yourself away from the disease.
If not in whole, even the powder of these leaves which can be obtained after drying them can help control diabetes. Half a tea spoon of this powder twice day is all you need.
6. Cinnamon –
In a recent study conducted by Khan and Associates (2003), the benefits of cinnamon in the treatment of diabetes were reported. The study was conducted on a group of 60 people out of which one third of its members were given a placebo. It was quite interesting to note the end results of the study. The health of the group showed an increase. Glucose went down by 18%. LDL cholesterol and triglycerides also happened to have shown a reduction in their levels. Cinnamon thereupon thus came to have marked its importance in Ayurveda and especially in the treatment of diabetes.
Cinnamon helps in mimicking insulin and therefore it can be quite beneficial in lowering one’s need for insulin.
One can take the advantages of cinnamon by following these simple methods:
Take four teaspoons of cinnamon powder. Mix it well with water. Bring this mixture to a boil on a low flame. This extract should be consumed almost daily.
Following this routine helps one to maintain their glucose levels. Besides, a dash of cinnamon in warm water also helps in controlling diabetes.
7. Aloevera –
This plant is known for a number of reasons. Besides helping one to maintain blood sugar levels, it is known to be beneficial in a number of other ways.
The gel obtained from this plant should be mixed along with bay leaves and turmeric powder. Each ingredient should be added in equal ratios. This solution if consumed daily before meals can help control blood sugar levels. This in turn helps one to stay away from the disease.
8. Water –
Water serves a number of benefits for the human body. Be it in the form of cleansing our body, in the process of digestion, weight loss, etc water is always known for the various purposes it serves.
Helping mobilize the sugar contents present in the body, this fluid helps control diabetes by maintaining the sugar levels in the blood.
A daily consumption of 2.5 litres of water is highly recommended especially for people suffering from diabetes in order to obtain best results.