Remember I once told you that I learn a lot from you in the comment section of this blog? Yes, I do!
Some days ago, when I put up a post on the 5 Healthy Reasons Why You Should Eat Cucumber, a reader mentioned that she makes cucumber juice. Now, this is something I’ve never done before so I did some research and found the recipe.
Cucumbers are naturally high in vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium. Sometimes, you might have lots of them and won’t want them to get spoilt. One way to use up those extra cucumbers is in homemade cucumber juice, which you can use for mixed drinks or sauces or consume on its own. Many people add cucumber juice to their diets to improve the quality of their skin, nails, and hair, and when consumed regularly, the drink can help treat high blood pressure and kidney stones.
So, join me and let’s learn how to make some cucumber juice.
1. Peel your cucumbers. The skin of a cucumber is coated in a protective wax. While you can eat this coating without much problem, the wax will distort the texture of cucumber juice. You can accomplish this task by using either a potato peeler or a sharp knife with a smooth blade.
2. Slice off the ends of your cucumbers using a sharp knife. The bottom and top stem are hard, inedible parts that you should not attempt to turn into juice.
3. Chop the cucumbers into large chunks. The pieces can be up to 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) in height, width, and depth. Smaller pieces will also work, but you should avoid using pieces that are much bigger than that.
4. Place the cucumber chunks into a food processor or blender. You should leave a couple of inches in between the top cucumber pieces and the rim of the machine. Do not fill the food processor to the top.
5. Blend the cucumber pieces on a medium or high speed. Run the machine for approximately two minutes. The mixture should be pulpy, but it does not need to be smooth.
6. Place a mesh strainer over a large bowl. The strainer should be small enough to fit inside the mouth of the bowl, but if possible, you should use a strainer with a wide enough rim to rest on top of the brim of the bowl. By resting the strainer on top of the bowl, you free up both hands.
7. Place cheesecloth inside the strainer. The cloth will allow you to strain out more pulp. You can also line the strainer with coffee filters to create the same effect.
8. Slowly pour the blended cucumbers through the strainer. Pour as much of the cucumber puree into the strainer as possible without causing the puree to overflow.
9. Stir the puree with a rubber spatula or metal spoon, occasionally pressing down into the cheesecloth or mesh. By stirring the cucumbers, you encourage the juice to seep out and flow through the strainers, into the bowl. Continue stirring and pressing until no more juice comes out.
10. Pour the cucumber juice into glasses, chill, and serve. You can also store fresh cucumber juice in a sealed container inside the refrigerator for one week.
Simple, isn’t it? Remember, if you don’t have a food processor, you can use a blender. There is also the option of mixing it with honey for a sweetened taste but I tend to prefer this one.
Would you try this soon?