Some are funny, others crazy but interesting. This is a must read for everyone. Here are facts that will really surprise you, but at the end you will learn a lot of new things.
1. All the eggs a woman will ever produce are stored in her ovaries before she is born.
2. Sperm factory never closes! Unlike a woman, a man produces sperm everyday of his life.
3. The sperm count in a man tends to be higher in the earlier part of the day.
4. Sperm cells have no sense of direction. After they are ejaculated, only 1 out of 5 sperm head for the right direction. The rest swim every which way even though the egg produces chemical signposts to guide them to the right path.
5. A man with only one testicle is able to make enough sperm cells to create a baby.
6. Dead Sperm Can Make Live Babies. To fertilize an egg the old-fashioned way, sperm need to be able to swim. Not so with in-vitro (test tube) fertilization. In fact, when IVF technicians use tiny, robotically controlled glass straws to insert a single sperm inside an egg, they sometimes beat the sperm with the glass until it stops moving. The only thing that matters is the DNA inside the sperm.
7. A man typically ejaculates about half teaspoonful. It is not much, but it often gets the job done.
8. It takes about 2 months (70-80 days) to make a sperm.
9. The shelf life of sperm cell is about 72 hours
10. The sex of a baby is determined by whether the sperm that fertilizes the egg carries the X or Y version of chromosome 23.
11. Sperm cells wear hard HAT! Well, while this may not be like that of a man from the south-south of Nigeria, they have an oval-shaped structure called the acrosome. It contains strong chemicals that are released once the sperm attaches to the egg, which helps to melt the eggs outer layer to enhance fertilization.
12. By age 35, a woman would have lost almost half of her eggs and her fertility would have dropped by about 50%.
13. Sperm health is affected by age. By age 35, a man’s sperm losses quality and quantity.
14. A fetus does not have bowel movements before birth.
15. During pregnancy, the average woman's uterus expands up to 500 times its normal size.