1. Most breast pairs are NOT equal. It’s called breast
asymmetry. So if you have been staring hard in the mirror
wondering why one breast appears slightly bigger than the
other, don’t be too worried. However, a U.K study suggests that
larger difference in size is an independent risk factor for breast
2. You CANNOT increase the size of your breast naturally. This
can only be achieved through cosmetic surgery or botox.
3. In your younger days your breasts are a store house of milk
glands, fats and collagen. But after a certain age, your breasts
are simply fat bags. So with gravity acting strong they tend to
4. According to a study only 20 per cent of men look at your
face when they meet you for the first time, the other 80 per
cent are all busy ogling your breasts. Men why?
5. Did you know that you could be spoiling the shape of your
breasts by sleeping face down? Experts suggest that sleeping
sideways and also placing a pillow under your breasts while
you sleep will give them additional support. Also, there is no
hard and fast rule about wearing or not wearing a bra while
you sleep. Just make sure that your bra is not very tight to
cause discomfort.
6. A study revealed that 50 per cent of women never bother to
check themselves for breast cancer symptoms. The reason can
be anything from being unaware or they may be scared that
they really might have cancer.
7. Have you noticed lumps in your breasts? Well, let us assure
you that 80 per cent of the time, these lumps are benign, but
this shouldn’t stop you from visiting a gynaecologist. When
you’re menstruating your breasts go through different changes
like soft, tender or swell, so check for permanent changes and
visit a doctor immediately.
8. Breast feeding mothers may actually lose weight if you
continue breast feeding for up to six months.
9. According to research published in the International Journal
of Sexual Health 70 per cent of women are always unhappy
with their breasts. Either they feel they are too small or they
think it’s too big. Ladies why?
10. 82 per cent women are turned on by the slightest
manipulation of their breasts... guys take note.