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The word "vagina" comes from the Latin root meaning "sheath for a sword." I think the “bishop with his nice red hat”- the penis, is called the sword here! So many people think the vagina is just a mere sheath? Could that explain why some women simply hate the word?

Tunnel of love, sweaty love box, miss flappy, flower bud, cum sponge, pink room, penis garage, warm apple pie, etc are several names that the “ladyflower” has been called. So if you don't like the word "vagina," why not pick your favorites up here or give it your own name and boldly talk about it?

1. No two vaginas are the same

Just like our faces differ, so are vaginas different in individuals. No two vaginas are the same! Vaginas vary in shape, size and colour.

Experts have identified five different shapes, parallel, conical, pumpkin seed, heart and slug as the different shapes. Vagina colors can vary from light pink to a deep brownish red-pink. But all are normal and very individual. The important thing is that the vagina functions normally.

So why compare yourself to anyone else? What someone else’s vagina looks like is normal for them, won’t necessarily be what’s normal for you, so don’t compare yours to anyone else. Yours is unique, so please show it some respect!

2. Vagina can expand like balloon

The vagina doesn’t stay in one particular size. The average size when unstimulated is between 2.75-3.25 inches long. However when sexually aroused, it increases to between 4.25-4.75 inches. This is a measurement from studies carried out by Master and Johnson in the 1960s. Some authorities even believe the vagina can expand like a balloon to size over 200% of normal when aroused. High elasticity of the vagina is also demonstrated during delivery.

It changes to accommodate whatever is going on at that time. So don’t worry, no matter how big or long your guys hung, it will be well accommodated! Aren’t you blessed!

3. Vagina length does not necessarily impact on the sexual satisfaction

The reason is simple: regardless of how long the vagina is, the area that is thought to be important for most women’s sexual response is the outer one-third. The only issue is women who do have discomfort during sex. This typically occurs if the vagina is too short or tight or they have a prolapse, where the sex organs, especially the vagina fall out of place, usually after childbirth.

4. Diet can affect vagina flavor

Your vagina will always smell. Yes, your vagina will always smell, and the smell would always be like your vagina! The normal smell of the vagina of individual women is influenced by certain factors like hormones, hygiene, weight, genetics as well as the individual overall health. The smell also changes with respect to the change in their monthly menstrual cycle, and these are very normal. However, when it becomes strong and pungent, it could suggest the presence of infections and requires immediate medical attention.

What you eat however can affect the smell and taste down there, although it could be largely dependent on your body’s physiological reaction to what kind of food you eat.

Sweet vagina smell and taste can be produced by vegetables high in chlorophyll, like wheatgrass, parsley, and celery, fruits and spices like cinnamon, peppermint, and cardamom.

Whereas foods such as coffee, onions, meat, diary, garlic and strong spices have the potential of changing your vaginal odor to something unpleasant according to Oregon State University

5. A woman can have two vaginas!

Some women could have possible two vaginas. They could also have two cervixes and two uteruses too.

An Australian, named Hazel Jones has this condition called uterus didelphys. She also has two separate uteruses and cervixes as well. When developing in the womb girls start with two tubes, the mullerian ducts which normally fuse to form one uterus. The condition occurs when they don’t fuse, and so you have double! There are actually many variations of this condition.

It could mean double trouble, like having terribly severe cramps during your period, with excessively heavy blood flow. Could it also mean double pleasure?

6. The vagina contains more bacteria than any other part of a woman's body, after the bowel

Yes, there is actually a large population of microorganisms living inside your vagina. These microorganisms are collectively referred to as the vaginal flora. The primary colonizing bacteria of a healthy individual is the Lactobacillus species. Other bacteria species present include Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecali, Streptococcus pneumonia, Streptococcus pyogenes, Neisseria species, Neisseria meningitides, E. coliProteus species, and Corynebacteria Mycoplasmas.

The normal flora of the vagina maintains the overall health of the vagina. If the balance of bacteria is disturbed, infection and inflammation could ensue. The functions the normal flora perform includes- helping to maintain vaginal pH balance thereby limiting the growth of other organisms; produce natural antibiotics called bacteriocins to prevent invasion of other bacteria; provide territorial dominance over any intruding organism as well as preventing the sticking of invading bacteria onto the vagina wall thereby preventing systemic infections.

So you can see the importance of maintaining that normal flora. That is why it’s important you don’t use something like medicated soap to wash inside your vagina.

7. Can you lose anything inside the vagina?

I have heard a story of someone who claimed she lost a condom inside the vagina. I wouldn’t believe such because the cervix (the point of attachment of the vagina to the uterus) has a very small hole that would hardly take a pin!

Yes, the vagina can expand, but it's not an open conduit to the abdominal cavity. So if you lose something in there, don't worry. Reach in all the way and pull it out.

8. The “vagina lips” are different too!

Labia (the lips outside the vagina), vary from woman to woman. Inner lips vary widely in size, colour, and shape. Very large labia could only be a medical problem if it affects the woman’s working, social or sporting life, so no need to worry and fret about the size of your labia. The vagina has two lips. The lager lips (labia majora) and the smaller lips (labia minora).

The average length of the labia minora is less than ¾ inch long, however about 2% women have labia longer than 1 ½ inches. Don’t ask me how they were measured, but you could try measuring yours! But make sure nobody sees you doing that as they wouldn’t believe what you are doing! Just remember that whichever size, shape or color, they are all beautiful. So don’t judge yours by anyone else’s standards.

9. People stretch their “vagina lips” to enhance sexual pleasure

Vagina lip stretching is the act of elongating the labia minora (small lips) through pulling or physical equipment (such as weights). This is a common cultural practice in Rwanda and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Elongated labia is thought to enhance sexual pleasure by facilitating orgasm and female ejaculation.

It is claimed that masturbation could cause labia stretching. Obviously the physical manipulation or use of certain equipments could do that. Another argument is that every time you are sexually stimulated you are going to have some blood rush into that area, producing swelling of that area. This swelling eventually over time can cause it to stretch. There are not yet any statistically significant studies to prove this assertion.

10. Clitoris has strong “network and current”!

Sounds like communication network, right! But this is about the nerve network (a whitish fiber or bundle of fibers that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord). In this case we are talking about sex impulses!

The dorsal nerve of the clitoris is corresponding to the dorsal nerve of the penis in males. But while there are 4000 nerve endings in the penis, the clitoris has 8000. Phenomenal! No wonder the super-sensitivity of the clitoris. These nerve networks are there for you to enjoy sex.

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