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There are certain actions or things that some people do right after sexual intercourse which is not cool and so unromantic. Most often they do not realize it or see it as an issue but it is.

1. Turning away from your partner right after sex.

This does not encourage bonding and it may leave your partner wondering if it's all about sex. Right after sex you need to glow with your partner.

2. Whatsapping or watching tv right after sex. 

Leaving your partner alone to watch telenovela or football match is not cool. It may leave your partner about me or the phone or the tv? Was he/she in a hurry to finish with the sex so as to watch the tv? 
Even if you want to watch tv, watch something you will all enjoy.

3. Sleeping right after sex. 

Ohh yes I know very well that sex can induce sleep but it wouldn't take anything away from you to look at your partner and say something nice to him/her before you sleep.

4. Leaving right after sex.

If this happens occasionally or if the sex was meant to be a quickie then it is acceptable but not when it becomes consistent.

5. Telling your partner how bad he/she performed.

 Eiiii this one is serious. When you do that, it can destroy the self-esteem of your partner. Even if you didn't enjoy it please and please just make a suggestion as to what or how you want it but never condemn. 
In my personal opinion one must not even wait till it comes to that point. Talk to your partner if you are not enjoying it in a particular style or way and call for how you want it. Communication is key!

6. Don't make your requests right after sex. 

Putting your requests before your partner right after sex may seem a smart move to most people but I don't. Some people feel that you may not have had the sex if not because of the request you had in mind. Some see you as a prostitute except that you didn't ask before the sex. Funny enough some people even make the request during the sexual intercourse and the reply to the request is always YES though some people do not even remember what they said the YES to after the sex. This is to tell you that you only coerced your partner.

7. Masturbating after sex. 

To some people this is normal to them especially those with insatiable desire for sex. This when done consistently before your partner can make him/her feel useless. If you must do it, do it away from your partner or discuss it with your partner and understand each other way before the sex and if possible find a way of letting your partner assist you.

8. Being in a hurry to cover yourself right after sex.

 This can send different messages to your partner. It could mean that you are shy of your partner or of yourself. It could mean your partner is not worthy to see your nakedness.

9. Discussing your problems or challenges right after sex.

 To a lot of people this is the right time but I don't think so. You just experienced a wonderful moment...enjoy it while it last. Bringing in such issues could backfire and spoil the mood you both were in.

Because careful of the things you say or do right after sex as this can gradually cripple your relationship or marriage. Ensure that the sex you have is healthy and does not pose any health risk to yourself and your partner.

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